Sunday, March 19, 2006

What a weekend!!!!!!

Here we go again. First of all we were late for our grandson's b party. It was Jackie's fault. She ALWAYS has the parties on Sunday. Well she had it on Sat this time. It throw everyone into a tizzy. We made it an hour and 1/2 late. It was good food and cheese cake. Brownies too. Then we thought we had to stay later to make up for lost time. It was way past our bed time when we got home. Gramps had gone to some bb games. I started out and decided to take the pinewood road just for the heck of it. Well I ran into Gramps so we left the truck at Pinewood school and continued to the Hemmers. Fun had by all.
Well now for the rest of the story. Bob E had called gramps on Friday to talk about some varnishung and matching some parts to their hutch. It was decided to meet for lunch so Gramps could get the part. Well as usual Gramps didn'r say anything to me when he got off the phone. So about 1:30 Sherri called from Harmony to see where we were. I told her I wasn't told anything, so she said we would have to try some other time. Well Bob called back after they ate and was wondering if gale could meet them. I ask what it was about and he explained about the part. I told him I had talked to Gale and he said they were to meet Monday at 1:00 in Harmony. Bob said no that wasn't the plan, because he had to leave for Nashville at 5:00 Monday morning. I'll give you three guesses as to who screwed up. The frist two don't count. Remember I was not informed of this caper. I told Bob from now on when there was to be a meeting he better ask to talk to me so it can be done right. I neva get it wrong!!!!!!!!! I'm always right.
Now what????
later gator


Jackie said...

If only everyone could be perfect like you and me.....right

Brianna said...

yeh, like me too