Thursday, March 16, 2006


I would like to inform Mother Nature that it is not nice to DISS us people like this. WHERTE is the snow you promised us. JJJJJJJEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ. These weather forcasters are for the birds. Winter storm watch my foot. They don't know what a winter storm is. I tell you it's more than 2 to 3 inches of snow. Why I remember when I was a kid the snow was at the top of the fence posts, It took the snow plow a week to plow the road out. Now that is a snow storm. Well enough of that old crap.
I bet none of you knew I was so talented at blogging. I did it and wasn't even on the puter. Now that it talent. I would really like you all to look good at the clothing style back in the olden days. Not much different than now days. Baggy clothes, loose fitting, layered. Just like today. We were stylish and didn't even know it.
My daughter and granddaugther came to wisit yesterday. Jackie and I fixed Brianna's new pants. Then Gramps and Brie went to China Star and got china for linch. It was delish. After they left Gramps sat in his chair and snored. Every once in a while he would snore so loud he would wake himself up. Then he would look at me like I did something to cause this.
So now you all know what an exciting life I have. I can hardly wait for the trees to start getting leaves so I can count them each day and to watch the grass grow. I can pucker up my lips and blow so Gramps don't have to. That's the my way of helping him when he is bisy. He says bisy we say busy, Go figure.
Later Gator


Cindy's Closet said...

Pleeeeease make the snow STOP!!!

Jackie said...

First of all, I think I pee'd my pants laughing so hard at your blog. You are fuuunnnnnyyyyyyyy.

Second of all i didnt think there were plows when you were a kid. weren't there just horses for plowing?

Keep up the great blogs....more pictures please :)

Brianna said...

oh gran, you have the funniest blogs, I also larf at you! And you were extremely stylish in the olden days.