Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I held a month old baby last night. She was very sad. Crying like mad. Pulling her legs up and screaming. She is kina coliceeeee. I beat her on the but and she liked it. She finally went to sleep and slept in my arms for 45 minutes. Jack said it was the longest she had slept all day. She sure looks like Hannah. I laughed Holly said she thinks Grace has the Erickson lips. Hannah was being a little brat. Holly took her in the bedroom and talked to her. She was good after that.
Now I just want to say Megan & Brianna just hang in there it will be over soon. I know you two can do it.
later gator


Jackie said...

Who's "Jack" ?

granny said...

YOU KNOW?????????

Jackie said...

I do not know anyone named "jack"...just tell me please

Megan said...

pssst..i think she meant jake. but we won't make fun of her spelling disorder!

And gran, thanks for believing in me!

Brianna said...

I was also trying to figure out who Jack was, I was like, um my mom?

Thanks Gran, yep I graduate on May 5th!!! yikes. But I kinda feel like it's only beginning