Monday, February 20, 2006

Boring compared tooooooo!!!

This household is so boring. The only thing to do is watch the olympic's. I called Grant and wished him happy birthday on Saturday. Went and got a few grociers and watched the olympic games. Sunday we went over to Jake & Holly's to see Hannah on her 5 th birthday. Holly and I played games with her. She made herself a peanutbuyyer & jelly sandwich. We just missed Jake's folks. It would have been nice to see them.
I wish this weather would warm up so that baby would come out. She is one day over today. Holly has been scrapbooking and has 4 books done. That is just Hannah's first year pictures. She is doing a great job.
Well gotta go wash clothes.
later gator.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

That baby needs to come....SOON, at least we dont have to drive 3 hours to see this one :)