Sunday, January 22, 2006

Are u proud of me????

Well I am a puter whizz now. Our puter crashed yesterday and I got it back to running with the help of a very nice lady that talked me through the steps. Now if I could get Brie's wedding page in the favorites I would be very happy. I was at the websight once and now it won't let me in. Maybe Brie could send me a new letter and I could try it again.
Talked to Randy yesterday to wish him a happy B day. He told us that Alex tried her mothers wedding on and couldn't get it off again. They iced it, elevated it, tried soap,ect. Nothing worked. They had to take her to the jewler and get it cut off and soddered back together.
Gramps went to Gander Mountain to see if he can find a new coat for next winter. If he can't find one there he said he was going to Cabela's. I don't know what his yank is.
Mary is comming tomorrow to clean. She will be here around 8:30 A.M. Good thing I wake up early. Happy Monday Morning tomorrow.
later gator


Jackie said...

They should have called me about the ring.....I have one other trick that ususally works. These are some of the things you learn as an ER nurse.

Brianna said...

Wow, I can't believe about that ring! Poor Alex, poor ring...

Gran, I will send you another email with the address to my wedding page!!!!